Polaroids from The Pass

Okay, so these are technically Instax Mini photos, not Polaroids, but how else am I supposed to incorporate some alliteration into the post title? I took these photos on a trip to Byron Bay a few weeks ago and it was so nice to just chill out and enjoy the lazy beach days. It’s taken me some time to upload these photos as scanning them has been the biggest pain. For some reason or another I couldn’t get the colours right or there was too much glare or dust/scratches/other gunk from my scanner would show up on the photos. I also tried a few photo scanning apps on my iPhone but wasn’t too impressed with them either. After playing around with a few settings on my scanner these were the best I could manage. If anyone has any tips for scanning/digitising Instax photos (apart from “clean your scanner Soph”) please help a sister out!

^Trying to capture sunsets at The Pass without much success.

2 thoughts on “Polaroids from The Pass

  1. Beautiful photos! What do the photos look like if you just take a photo of them? They seem to have come up quite well on your instagram photo. I think a lot of the time, unless you have a really good scanner, photos like this don't scan well. I like how they've come up here though! x

    cait / cait rammy

    1. Thank you Cait! Agreed that a top notch scanner is probably the only solution (sigh). If I just take a photo of them there's usually a reflection or glare from whatever light source is around. So I have to play around with angles etc. Probably have filters to thank for the Instagram photo too! lol

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