Other Things

Hello? Anybody still here? It’s admittedly been a while since my last post. Sometimes blogging funks creep up on you like that. You’ll go to write a post but then feel like there’s already so much similar content out there. Or things just won’t come together in the right way so you end up abandoning an idea. Or you’re hit with cyclonic weather that isn’t really conducive to taking photographs. Then the next thing you know it’s been weeks since your last blog post. Oops. That’s not to say that I’ve been absent from the internet because, reader, I am still falling into as many internet rabbit holes as ever. These are some things that have piqued my interest lately.
– I love me some glitter earrings and for the month of April Each to Own  will be donating all profits from the sale of their ‘Bright Day’ earrings to the Tweed Mayoral Appeal Fund to help those in Northern NSW affected by floods in the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie.

– Did you know that millenial pink is a thing? While this colour trend has been on the radar for some time, I only came across this phrase the other day. Whatever you want to call it, I’m totally down with it.

– Autumn finally seems to have arrived and I’ve embraced wide leg crop pants for the season. I found a pair at Uniqlo and every time I wear them I get compliments (i.e. the ultimate litmus test that you have made the right purchase).

– There’s just something about motels that make them ripe for photographing. This collection of photographs of mid-century modern motels by Tyler Haughey is no exception.

– Anyone else listened to the S-Town podcast? I kind of missed the boat with Serial but I found myself hooked on this. So many feels/things I need to be resolved.

– Want to know what the best time to go to sleep is? There’s a sleep calculator for that.

– I’m always on the lookout for chocolate cookie recipes and I really want to try this Double Chocolate Cookies recipe from Plate Got Ate.

Image: Tyler Haughey via frankie magazine