Sydney Instagram Diary

If you follow me on Instagram, you’d have noticed that I’ve spent the past couple of days in Sydney. With fairly limited time, I basically ended up doing the Instagram tour of Sydney. I flew in on Friday to rainy weather and spent the afternoon hanging out in cafes before meeting up with friends for dinner. Thankfully I woke up to blue skies on Saturday and spent the morning sweating it out on the Bondi to Bronte walk, eating brunch at Bondi Wholefoods, and checking out the Bondi Farmers Markets. After a fairly healthy morning it all went downhill from there with a visit to Aqua S and a night of drinking and delicious food at a friend’s engagement party. Sunday morning was spent at The Grounds of Alexandria before heading to Pana Chocolate for some raw chocolate treats. In amongst all of this I also managed to check out the shopping, visit a few art galleries, and of course stop by the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. I also took a bunch of film photos which I’ll hopefully post up here shortly.
1. The classic Bondi Icebergs shot
2. Sea salt ice cream with sweet popcorn from Aqua S
3. Flowers at The Grounds of Alexandria
4. More cuteness at The Grounds of Alexandria
5. Coffee from The Paramount Coffee Project (which was conveniently so close to where I was staying)
6. It’s Such a Thin Line Between Clever and Stupid by Aleks Danko at the Museum of Contemporary Art

You can see a few more photos from the trip over on my Instagram.

5 thoughts on “Sydney Instagram Diary

  1. Ooh pretty shots! It's cool to see Sydney being captured by other people. I'm yet to visit the Grounds and the Paramount Coffee Project myself actually.

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