instagram diaries: food glorious food

A lot of what I post on Instagram these days tends to revolve around food. I think I’m turning into one of ‘those’ people. I’m also one of those people who revel in passing Instagram round-ups off as blog posts, despite the fact that most of you have probably already seen these if you follow me on Instagram. My bad.
1. You don’t make friends with salad.
2. Tapas at the final Up Late viewing of the Queensland Art Gallery’s Portraits of Spain Exhibition.
3. Coffees and a lone croissant at Sourced Grocer.
4. Treats at the StyleMilk x Vogue Nationale VIP night.
5. Giant Smartie cookie at the Finders Keepers Markets.
6. Pretzels at Oktoberfest celebrations in Brisbane (cue Seinfeld quotes).

Find me on Instagram at owlvdove

8 thoughts on “instagram diaries: food glorious food

  1. works for me, things are easily missed on istagram aren't they. quite in the mood for a massive pretzel now. chocolate dipped

  2. Hehe, I guess I'm one of those people too that uploads a bunch of insta pics to pass off as a blog post. I feel like having a cookie now after looking at your giant one.

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