instagram diaries: old and new favourites

1. Exploding rainbow bedrobe. All favourites.
2. Will be thrashing these knits this winter.
3. Brunch at the Gunshop Cafe (brunch is my religion). Mushrooms with haloumi on sourdough.
4. Brunch at Lady Lamington (new favourite). French toast, poached pear, and buffalo ricotta.
5. Revisiting old favourite displays at the Queensland Museum ‘after dark’.
6. Sorting through old Lomo supersampler photos. I think I need to bring that camera out of retirement.

Follow me on Instagram: @owlvdove

23 thoughts on “instagram diaries: old and new favourites

  1. oh my so many bright colours in your wardrobe! I need to take inspiration from you and break away from black 🙂
    also how did that supersampler even go into retirement?!?!?! it's amazing.

    x Stace

    PS. I've got a giveaway happening to win a House of Harlow ring! I'd love for you to enter!

  2. Damn that is one bright wardrobe, haha! You've been having some fancy brunches, they look so good.

  3. i tried haolumi for the first time last week after a lot of hype from a friend, i couldn't quite stomach it

  4. Those colours are gorgeous! I've only just started buying jumpers & I am definitely going to follow your lead with buying bright ones!

  5. Flipping love the Gunshop cafe. Also, I had completely forgotten about that display at the museum – it was always one of my favourites!

  6. I adore those knits they are amazing. You've given me inspiration to choose some colourful jumpers for once. All of mine are grey or black eek. I've been meaning to visit Lady Lamington, I love the setup, it looks so pretty 🙂

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