instagram diaries: bits and pieces

1. Old art supplies from my grandma.
2. 1970s pocket guide to London, also found at my grandma’s.
3. Lunch at Jam Jar in West End.
4. Coffee and cool spoons at Jam Jar. 
5. Frozen margaritas (and food of course) at Guzman Y Gomez before seeing a film at the French Film Festival.
6. Blue jeans, white t-shirt, and tan leather sandals for a long Sunday lunch with friends.

Find me on Instagram at: owlvdove

25 thoughts on “instagram diaries: bits and pieces

  1. Aaah, your blog always pleases my eyes. 😉 Love the 1970s pocket-guide — that's just the sort of find I would NEVER FIND MYSELF. x

  2. I've always wanted to try the food at Guzman Y Gomez, I see their branches all the time. But I love your first instagram.

  3. those art supplies are so good!!! love them. and the picture, and the colour. ahh so much goodness. ps. where did this reply button on comments come from? i wonder if i have one

    1. Blogger introduced the reply button a while ago now. I didn't have it initially because my HTML mustn't have been compatible. But I changed/deleted some stuff and now it works 🙂

  4. I love the old art supplies! It's so fun when you find little treasures like that.

    And those margaritas look so nice :9

    1. Especially coz they're still in plentiful supply! Art shop prices make me wince at the best of times haha.

      It must be quite some time since you've had a margarita! All worth it though XD

    1. Yep – from when my uncle went in the the 70s apparently. It's mostly maps and travel tips. I just wish I had it with me when I was in London last year so I could compare!

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