are you on instagram?

Life looks so much prettier in Instagram. I’m not going to lie, this app was a major factor in my finally purchasing an iPhone. These are just a few photos I’ve taken since signing up. Are you on Instagram? Leave your username in the comments if you are – I’d love to check out all of your photos. For the record, my username is owlvdove.

19 thoughts on “are you on instagram?

  1. ah, those strawberries look so scrumptious 🙂 i can eat them (and any other type of berry) by the punnet! all your photographs are so sweet <3

  2. @AB & @Megan: thanks ladies!

    @sweetharvestmoon: the new update is taking some getting used to. I like the old one too.

    @chantelle: I've been making loooots of smoothies with the strawberries. I think it's going to be common practice this summer. Woo hoo!

    @Kallie: I need to suss this PicPlz sitch.

    @sparklesness: pretty sure I could waste hours just looking at photos on instagram haha

  3. I read your post and got inspired to finally activate my Instagram account – now I'm hooked!

    You can find my pics under 'withlovemich'.

    I love your blog by the way 🙂

  4. @michelle: yay! am following!

    @aelie: agreed. It's like visual crack.

    @Helena: thanks!

    @BlithelyUnaware: I think so. I'm following you anyway. I lose track of these things too.

    @Ismay: thanks for the warning haha

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