Amazinger Face by Zoe Foster Blake

Amazinger Face

After pre-ordering it sometime back in March, this little beauty arrived on my door step earlier this week. Amazinger Face by Zoe Foster Blake is a revised and updated take on her popular beauty book Amazing Face. For those not acquainted with Zoe, she’s a former glossy mag beauty editor, author, and founder of skincare brand Go-To. When it comes to getting the down low on all things beauty and skincare, she’s pretty much my go-to source (her explainer on the difference between physical and chemical sunscreen is very very insightful). Much like her skincare line, this book features cute graphics galore, conversational copy that doesn’t take itself too seriously and, most importantly, relatable and easy to understand beauty tips for all.

Even though the title of the book alludes to only the facial region, it covers everything from hair to hands and nails. There’s information suited to all ages and skin types, as well as tips for VERY REAL LIFE SITUATIONS like how to fix a bad haircut (we’ve all been there) or how to do your face when you’re hungover (real talk). While I’ve only skimmed through the book so far, I can already tell it’s going to become a one stop shop for all my beauty needs.

What are your go-to beauty books? Any recommendations are, as always, welcome in the comments section.

Amazinger Face
Amazinger Face
Amazinger Face

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