Hanging Planters for the Home

Right now I’m all about hanging planters. Now, they might not be so practical for someone who’s had a lifelong tendency to bump their head on anything and everything (the struggle is real you guys) but they sure do a good job of sprucing up a space. These are just a few pretty pieces I’ve spotted both in real life (hello Patterson + Steele moon pot at the Finders Keepers Markets) and online. Click on the images above or links below to shop the items directly.

2. Vessel and Vine Cement Marbled Hanging Planter (I already own one of their cone planters which you can see in this post)

8 thoughts on “Hanging Planters for the Home

  1. omg, literally am so obsessed with hanging planters atm (and also terrariums!). these are super duper gorgeous !

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