Adventure Kit

Adventure Kit
Adventure Kit
This summer I’ve resolved to spend more time being active in the great outdoors. It all started when I was in Indonesia, hiking up a mountain and thinking “why don’t I do this more often at home?” It’s not that there’s nothing around, there are plenty of scenic spots basically right on my doorstep. Maybe it’s just that I’ve become complacent. Anyway, in light of my summer resolution, these are just a few of my essentials: a good backpack, sensible walking shoes, shades, and something to capture all your adventures on. Other things like hats, water bottles, sunscreen, and insect repellent just don’t photograph as well 😉

MiPac backpack c/o Debenhams
ASOS classic retro sunglasses
– Lomography Holga 135BC camera
Nike Free 5.0 sneakers

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