Read: Grace, Spaces, Letters for Gentlewomen

This is what my current reading list looks like. I picked up Sincerely: Women of Letters and Grace: A Memoir at the Lifeline Bookfest over the weekend. I had been meaning to buy the Grace Coddington memoir for some time but never got around to it. It was just my luck then that one of my friends picked it up and swung it my way – a perfect example of the pros of going shopping in groups. Even better was the fact that it only set me back $5. FIVE DOLLARS. I know right? Also in the mix is The Gentlewoman Issue No. 9 and Spaces Volume Two by Frankie Magazine. What is everyone else reading at the moment? Are there any must-reads that I should add to my list?

6 thoughts on “Read: Grace, Spaces, Letters for Gentlewomen

  1. OOO you lucky thing! I got Grace for Christmas one year and read it in less than two days flat. She has such a chatty conversational way of writing that reading it felt like she was right in the living room with you, having a cup of coffee. I also want to get into Spaces Volume Two. Just have to get my hands on a copy. Not sure whether this is your thing but I'm about to get into a novel called Night Film by Marissha Pessl. It's a hefty novel with pages printed like police case files about a detective solving the mystery surrounding a horror film director's family and the murder of his daughter. I've been waiting for years for this author to publish her second novel so it's a must-read for me!

    1. Spaces is SUCH a beautiful book. Not only is the content nice but it feels nice to touch (that sounds kind of weird but you'll understand when you get your hands on a copy haha). Night Film sounds really interesting, I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the rec!

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