When it comes to bags, you can’t beat a canvas tote in my opinion. They’re understated, functional and, in most instances, relatively cheap. Etsy is one of my favourite places to look for cute printed totes, plus it’s a great platform for finding handmade goods and supporting independent designers. Naturally, I’m drawn to anything cat-related but zodiac-inspired prints and typography-focused designs have also been getting a look in lately. Here are a few of my most recent totes awesome finds (just click on the images to be taken directly to the the Etsy shop).
You can also visit my Etsy favourites board to see more of my top tote picks.
love all of these! super cute
The Cats are my bag!! I have that in my saved faves on Etsy haha. It's so cute, been holding off buying (although god only knows why)
The minute I saw it I was like HELL YES WHOEVER THOUGHT THIS UP IS A GENIUS haha
These are all adorable!! I have Lea Goren's cat print bag in my favorites for ages!
I like the I Got This one. I agree, they're the most handy bag going.
Buckets & Spades
All so beautiful! I love the black cat one. I must have a million canvas totes, they're absolutely brilliant!
Same! I just can't stop. Luckily they don't take up too much storage space.
Love your choices!
Cheers Kailey
I do find myself reaching for my canvas bag a lot more often than my more expensive bags. They just go with so much more!
Plus I find that I don't have to be too pedantic about how I treat them. Always a bonus!
I really love your shoes!! If I may ask, where did you get them??
Hi, these are all images from the respective Etsy sellers so I'm not much help on where the shoes came from. Sorry!
No problem, thanks for replying 😀
I wasn't a cat person until I saw that Leah Goren tote.