colour pop pen holders

Remember when I bought those limited edition Andy Warhol soup tins? Well, I’ve made my way through three of them already (mostly begrudgingly – there aren’t many ways to dress up tinned tomato soup) and here they are, acting as glorified pen and paintbrush holders. I managed to avoid spilling any soup onto the tins by wrapping them in tea towels while pouring and washing them. I also ran the back of a spoon around the rims to push them up and stop them from cutting into things (like stray fingers and hands for example). Now these little bits of everyday Pop Art make for quite the colourful additions to my desk.
Yes, that is a cat pen. I love it when friends bring me back gifts from Japan.

18 thoughts on “colour pop pen holders

  1. What? I didn't know they sold them, I would have bought a plentiful, and it's great how you remembered to create a safer edge… You could have still had some soup anyway. Not that I'm a fan of tinned soup.

  2. They look so great! I haven't been able to bring myself to open mine but this is definitely pushing me closer. And props for no spillage. I would be so paranoid.

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