space cadet

It would seem that I’ve been taking style cues from Judy Jetson, if this collection of  shiny silvery items is anything to go by. I’ve had my eye on a few iridescent things lately, namely bags and shoes, but I finally settled on a shiny statement tote. I’ve seen a similar iridescent tote at Sportsgirl but it’s rather stiff and plastic-y, whereas this one is soft and more tactile. The glitter jelly shoes are the ones I bought for a 1990s themed party and the O.P.I. nail polish I picked up in a bargain bin at the chemist ($9.95 as opposed to the usual $19.95 – for overseas readers who don’t know, we get slugged heaps for beauty products in Australia). I’m not sure how long the metallic/holographic/iridescent trend will last but I’m going to ride it while I can.
Shoes: Rubi (similar here and here)

15 thoughts on “space cadet

  1. Hehe I just bought some jellies as well. I work at Rubi and I must say we have so many pretty things in store right now!

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