& other things: august

Palm Tree
Succulent Cluster
I’ve resolved to use my film cameras more often and currently have three on the go. The trouble with that is that by rotating through them it’s taking me longer to finish off even just one roll of film. To remedy my lack of film photos I’ve been playing around with my Instax Mini more often. And while about 60% of my photos so far have been misses, I think I’m finally getting the hang of it. The two shots above are probably my favourite ones so far. Anyway, the following is a round up of stuff that has caught my attention this past month:

– The Colour Palette Generator, via Fieldguided. Now everything has to have a colour palette.
Gorman’s Spring 2013 lookbook (but seriously, when aren’t I lusting over all of the Gorman things?)
Pastel Oxford shoes by Golden Ponies. Thanks to Christina for the tip off.
– More leopard print, this time in the form of Limedrop’s rosewood jewellery collection.
Paracosm by Washed Out, such a perfectly spaced out album.
– Kinga Burza’s Iceland photo diary. Cue extreme case of wanderlust.
Ideas at the House featuring Tavi Gevinson. Bummed I couldn’t make it to her Sydney or Melbourne talks but thanks to the wonders of modern technology it’s like I was basically there!

12 thoughts on “& other things: august

  1. I really like how your Instax shots turned out! I should use mine more often, but always gravitate towards my digital camera instead. Thanks for the links by the way, I also missed Tavi at the Opera House and had no idea that it was on Youtube!

  2. I adore instax mini shots, these are light and fresh. I think it's great you're using your film cameras more often, I prefer it over anything but as everyone I always tend to go for my good ole digital ones.

    The pastel oxfords are wonderful. And as for Tavi, man… I adore her too.

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