charlotte olympia birthday shoes

I don’t usually give much notice to horoscopes and star signs and all that jazz but I would probably start paying more attention if I owned these Charlotte Olympia suede slippers. My birthday is coming up in a few days and I think that the Cancer star sign slippers would make for quite the birthday shoes. Unfortunately, unless I find a Daddy Warbucks style benefactor or win the lottery, the only time I’ll own these shoes is in my dreams. Although I might be tempted if they were to go on sale (only the teeniest tiniest bit though). Sigh. Why so ‘spensy Charlotte Olympia?

11 thoughts on “charlotte olympia birthday shoes

  1. I have to say that I love what CO did with these shoes, they're absolutely dreamy and it's hard not to actually want every single pair (regardless of the fact that I am just an Aquarius…)

    Definitely a shoe worth keeping on your wishlist and saving for. A late birthday gift perhaps? x

    1. I know! I'd usually find zodiac themed things pretty tacky but she just made this whole collection work. As much as I loved her kitty shoes I think I'd find these much more wearable.

  2. I love Charlotte Olympia shoes but don't know if I could ever drop that much coin on one pair of shoes, you never know though. I will keep my fingers crossed that your birthday wishes come true!

    1. You should check out the clutches in this collection. Even more exxy! If I was willing to drop the $$$ on a pair of shoes, my brain would probably be telling me to go for something more 'timeless'.

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