& other things

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front over the past week and this is the reason why. I’ve been toying with the idea of a new blog/domain for a while now, so I finally bit the bullet and just did it. I’ll be blogging the same sort of stuff as always, just under a new name. And as you can see, all my old blog content is still on the site. This is the third incarnation of the blog and it’s basically taken me five or so years to come up with a name that best reflects my little corner of the internet. I’ve hopefully jigged it up so you automatically get redirected here from the old domain, but if you could update any links with the new domain (www.and-other-things.com) that would be much appreciated. I’ll probably be playing around with the design and layout over the coming weeks so if things go haywire you’ll know why! Anyway, here’s to blogs and makeovers and things!

You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram at these updated handles:
Twitter: @sophsthings
Instagram: @sophsthings

25 thoughts on “& other things

    1. Thanks! I've been contemplating a change since earlier in the year but couldn't come up with a name so didn't want to rush it. Then it all came to me in the past week so I just bit the bullet (my train of thought: "must purchase domains/handles before they are taken and my plans are ruined!" haha).

    1. I seem to go through so much paper mainly just playing with colour and not painting anything coherent at all. Still figuring out what works best with watercolours.

    1. Thanks Anna. I feel that this is very much more 'me'. So glad I'm getting such a positive response all over social media since change can also be a death knell for readership etc.

    1. If it's something that continually nags you then I say go for it! Obviously if you've made a name/brand for yourself then there would be some hesitation but at the end of the day you should just do what's right for you 🙂

  1. I struggled for so long with my online identity, but it's such a relief when it finally all clicks into place.
    Going to update bloglovin right now…

    1. It is hey! I think I'll have to start a new bloglovin account with this new domain since it doesn't seem to update or anything. Ahh I obviously haven't thought this far enough ahead yet hahaha

  2. Oh good on ya!! I'm all for rebranding and improving. It's so important to have something that conveys who you are and what you're comfortable with. And I know EXACTLY the feeling with the naming. I struggle with picking names and when I think I have a decent one, the domain name is often taken. The moment when one is available…there may or may not have been some squealing when I snapped up the domain… except I haven't used it yet 🙁 But I'm designing my site now and you've just motivated me to launch it asap!

    1. I swear one day I checked to see if an Instagram handle was available, and then the very next day it was taken (by a private account with no photos and no followers). I was fuming! hahaha. Can't wait to see your new site XD

  3. Eeeeek I'm so excited! I love seeing revamps – and your site looks delish. I'm such a sucker for a good minimalist design.

  4. It looks gorgeous Soph! Love the name and the new layout. Nice and clean and very striking. Goodluck with all the exciting new things to come!
    A x

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