diy: canvas art

I was having a bit of a spring clean the other day and found an unused canvas amongst all my junk. Armed with some pretty new tubes of paint, I decided to flex a creative muscle or two and create my own decorative canvas art. It’s a little bit Pop Art and incorporates my obsession for stripes and glitter. It’s not a hard project, just time consuming as you’re constantly waiting for different layers of paint to dry. I started by painting the canvas pink and then following with strips of red, blue, and white. I marked the lines up with a pencil and ruler, and used masking tape to create clean edges while painting. After the paint was all dry, I then painted a strip of glue on and sprinkled glitter over the top. After the glitter dried, I shook off the excess flecks and sprayed the canvas with a gloss sealer. Now I’ve just got to find a place on my wall that needs brightening up.

4 thoughts on “diy: canvas art

  1. so creative! The glitter adds a fun touch to it.

    I've been thinking of buying a small canvas and doing some art myself (but have yet decided what)

  2. Wow, it's an amazing canvas art made by you, you did worth admirable work, this is really a great DIY canvas print i have never seen before, color selection is great and the glitter has improved the attraction of this canvas, i love this canvas, many thanks for sharing..

    Bespoke Art and customised artwork

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