reminiscing: versailles

After watching Farewell, My Queen at the French Film Festival the other day, I’ve had all things French and Versailles-related on the mind. The very next day I watched Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette, whose frothy cinematography was a stark contrast to the perceived realness of Farewell, My Queen. Then I started going through photos from my trip to Europe in 2011 (I can’t believe it’s been nearly two years – it feels like yesterday). I realised that at the time I only shared a snippet of the photos I took at Versailles. So here are a few more photos from my day there to give you a case of wanderlust or cause you to reminisce about your own past travels.


17 thoughts on “reminiscing: versailles

  1. Love these photos! When I visited Versailles it was so packed, I could hardly take any photos and these make me long to go back.

    1. I went later on in the day, but it was still pretty busy. I know what you mean about taking photos though. If you stopped too long it was almost like you were holding up everyone behind you! I have to admit I cropped all the random people out in the photo of the Hall of Mirrors haha.

  2. So gorgeous! I went there in November and it was crazy busy as well, but I'm sure far less than it would be in the Summer. I wish I had gotten to see the gardens, but we ran out of time. That movie has been on my to-watch list for ages, maybe I'll get around to it this weekend!

    1. European summer crowds are just something else! During my trip we'd play a game to see who could get a photo of monuments etc with the least amount of people in it. I managed to get a photo of Stone Henge with no people in it. Success! haha

  3. How beautiful, Versailles is just amazing. So decadent. Did you enjoy Farewell, My Queen? I'm going to see it this weekend, looking forward to it!


  4. I literally cannot wait to go this summer. I've been to Paris a few times, but we somehow never found the space in our trip to visit the marvellous palace. This time I definitely will – it looks like a fairytale.

    I hope you enjoyed your trip, I find myself reminiscing upon my travels so much lately.

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