get appy: piclab

These days I pretty much only ever take photos on my iPhone. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is yet to be seen. Because of this, however, I’m always on the look out for a good photo editing app. The latest app to find its way onto my iPhone is PicLab, which allows you to add type and masks to your images. For me, the main draw card was the typography aspect. Especially such slick type like this. The app does have some limitations like a noticeable watermark and images being confined to a square format (I cropped the first and last photo) but removing the watermark is possible by purchasing the in app upgrade, which also unlocks a wider selection of masks for you to use. Overall, the PicLab app is easy to use and well designed. It’s a fun way to add slick looking type to images on your iPhone.

Images shot on iPhone 4
Edited using VSCOcam or Instagram 
Type added in PicLab

20 thoughts on “get appy: piclab

  1. Ahh photo apps are my favourite thing. I have so many variations on my phone at the moment but needless to say I'm going to download this one too. I love the fonts, especially the last one.


  2. i like the idea of a photo editor that lets you add text, decent fonts by the looks of it. yeah you'd want to get rid of the watermark for sure. regarding your last comment, it's been about 0 degrees every days since the start of december, too much

    1. I've seen a few apps that have included text, but they were more of the comic sans variety and not that appealing. So this app is quite refreshing. I think the fonts used in this app are free/creative commons and I'm pretty sure I've come across them and maybe even downloaded some at one point.

  3. I take photos with my phone a lot too but I'm trying to use my DSLR more. But usually I edit my phone photos on my computer. Piclab sounds good though!

    1. Sometimes I edit my phone photos in Photoshop too. I'm currently trying to get back into the habit of shooting film. Such a contrast to the ease of phone photos haha

  4. oohh shiny. this is cool thanks! I was playing with an iPad app that makes posters, but I don't know if there's a phone version. I'm a sucker for good type ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I generally tend to lug my DSLR around with me everywhere, although it can be easy to forget that you have it and take images. Loving the look of that app though, probably going to be the newest in my collection of image editing apps on my iPhone ๐Ÿ™‚

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