riders by lee aw13 campaign

A few weeks ago I posted some behind the scenes snaps from the Riders by Lee AW13 campaign. These are a few of the final images from the campaign, shot by Pierre Toussaint and styled by Nicki Colbran. Fittingly, the cooler (and drearier) weather lately has had me thinking about my upcoming autumn/winter wardrobe, and all the denim opportunities that lie ahead. I’ll also be hosting a giveaway in the next couple of days (hmm… I wonder what the prize could possibly be) so watch this space!

[Images supplied]

4 thoughts on “riders by lee aw13 campaign

  1. I know what you mean – I'm so excited for winter and it's layering opportunities. I wore a pair of jeans to uni today and just about died of heat stroke, so sadly I don't think I'll be trying that again for a little while. I love those printed jeans.


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