travel photos: la tour eiffel

I don’t think I could ever get sick of looking at the Eiffel Tower. Every time it came in view, I just couldn’t help but take a moment to stop and stare at it. As my other two friends had previously been to Paris before I met up with them, I set out for the day to tackle a few of the major attractions by myself. First up was the Eiffel Tower. I queued like the patient tourist that I am and after about an hour-ish of queuing – I can’t quite remember, I zone out in queues and subsequently lose track of time – proceeded to climb up to the second level. Yes, I took the stairs. If there’s one thing I took away from this trip, it was learning to love stairs. I decided against going right to the very top, partly due to the fact that you had to once again queue for the lift. By this time I was well and truly sick of queues and crowds. Extreme winds and a slight fear of heights may have also been contributing factors. It was quite blustery and overcast when I climbed the Eiffel Tower, but the views over Paris were awe inspiring nonetheless. Of course, by the time I made it back to ground level, the clouds had parted and there were blue skies all round. Go figure.

18 thoughts on “travel photos: la tour eiffel

  1. i did queue for several hours to get to the top of the tower on my first ever visit to paris. and oh my was it worth it. your last shot is absolute perfection!

  2. Great pictures! I can't wait til I finally get to see the Eiffel tower in person, haha. I've been looking through your last few posts and it sounds like you had an amazing time travelling in Europe.

  3. I really want to go to Paris and to clim the stairs of Eiffel Tower too. Beautiful photos πŸ™‚

  4. That's the worst thing about peak season in cities like Paris. So much time wasted standing in lines. I hope you also got to see it at night when it lights up every hour πŸ™‚

  5. I have never been up there due to my vertigo, but the view looks amazing. I really like it!! You must have had a lot of fun there

  6. @Jane: I couldn't believe I was finally there. In Paris. Looking at the Eiffel Tower.

    @Kariyah: so true!

    @rebecca: I know right? A world without the Eiffel Tower would just be bizarre.

    @anab: but at least there's more daylight hours to makeup for those lost queuing πŸ˜‰

    @missklicious: oh have fun!

    @Joanna: not currently, these were from last month. I wish I was still there though!

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