outfit: the purple dress

Mixing up the travel posts with a bit of an outfit post. Rememeber that Charles Anastase dress that I fell head over heels for? The one that retailed for a smidge over $1000? Well, before I left on my travels I attempted making my own version of that dress. I found an old pattern in my mum’s stockpile of sewing stuff, bought some purple material, and set off trying to make my own. It all went a bit awry when my mum insisted that I stop following the instructions and do it her way. After a bit of a mother/daughter disagreement, I let up and agreed to do it her way. This is only a sneak peek as I still intend to make a few adjustments to it. I wore this on Sunday on a mother/daughter date to the bayside and for a bit of a market trawl. I brought my camera but had left my memory card in the reader at home. So there are no photos from that day. Rookie error, I know.

(Music note: Go Outside by Cults)

20 thoughts on “outfit: the purple dress

  1. such a cute simple dress! the colour of the fabric really makes it i think 😉 i'd love to see it without the jumper over the top! and argh i hate when i leave the house and forget to check that the memory card is in the camera!

  2. @Vicky: the pattern was relatively simple. A much better option than shelling out a grand!

    @herecomesthesun: thank you lovely! More outfit updates to come, promise 🙂

    @theheadlessmannequin and @alexis: thank you

    @amie: I'm still fixing up the top half but I'll definitely do a full show and tell in the near future.

  3. I wish I had the confidence to make my own clothes. I am completely inept at using my sewing machine! Your dress is such a beautiful colour!

  4. i never realised how expensive anastase stuff was! (i'm one to lust, but i refuse to look at the price tags. i can see why now, i'd be weeping). the fabric you've picked is perfect, can't wait to see the rest of it (: xxx

  5. i love the color of that dress, especially paired with the turquoise ring!

    i can totally understand picture mistakes; i was once at one of my husband's motorcycle races and started to snap pictures (i thought) and realized that i hadn't put film in the camera!

  6. i hate when i leave my memory card at home. i usually make reminders like leaving the part open where the memory card goes ontop of my bag so i remember to get eventually.

    and the dress looks nice from what i can tell cant wait to see the rest

  7. I love the colour combo!

    P.S. how do you post a youtube music (without the video)? help! I'm stupid and can't figure it out.

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