lust: spring colours

Spring is just around the corner for us southern hemisphere dwellers, and I have to say that I’m a little bit excited for it. These are just a few items I wouldn’t mind having in my wardrobe this spring. As you can see, I’m still loving the pink/orange/mustard colour combination sick. What does everyone else have planned for their new season wardrobes?
Items, clockwise from top left:

20 thoughts on “lust: spring colours

  1. Yes, well, I think I've been reading your blog too much so I'm loving pink/yellow too.
    But I have bought 3 sleeveless shirts in one week, so yeh. That'll be happening 😛
    I also got a bunch of lace collars, so hopefully I'll figure out how to style them ^^

  2. Me too Soph! I walked into Forever New last week and was like woahhhhhh… seems my wedding theme and colour palette is in fashion? ha

  3. What a great selection. If only I were a southern hemisphere dweller too! I've come to this colour combination way too late in our 'summer' to do it any justice, I feel. I do love it though, and I've been seriously tempted by those Topshop brogues for weeks now!

  4. Ahhh, I love these colors so much! This lovely collage has almost made me sad that we're heading into fall here, despite it being my favorite season. I've been wearing a lot of pinks and yellows this summer, but now I'm definitely shifting towards bold electric and cobalt blues and orangey reds in anticipation of cooler temperatures.

  5. I am LOVING these colours at the moment. Did you see Erins post on Calivintage recently where she wore pink jeans and a mustard cardie? Actually amazing.

    And I love that Ruby jumper too. I was eyeing it up in their store a couple of days ago.

  6. nice colors! looks cool!

    we are looking for the SUMMER LOOK 2011! the 3 best outfits will be published here and also on blogger. send us your photo
    ( [email protected] ) closing date for entries is August 31th!

  7. I have nothing planned for my spring wardrobe because i am saving for a holiday & then for a house deposit. being an adult is boring right! I've just been given a a sewing machine, so maybe I'll whip something up or refashion something…just maybe! Love all of your pics though, the colour combo is lovely!

    P.s have you seen the leopard loafers in witner, perfection!

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