romeo & juliet @ o2 arena

I arrived in London at around 3.30pm on a Thursday. After being met at the arrival gates by my bestie Bron, we trekked it back to her place where I could freshen up after my long haul flight. We then raced back out the door for her tag rugby finals and so I could also meet all of her London friends. What was meant to be a few drinks after the game turned into a late night out and racing home before the last tube service. At this point, I hadn’t been to sleep in god knows how long. Needless to say when I did finally stop, I crashed. The next day was fairly relaxed and spent doing things like Glastonbury planning and grocery shopping (the first thing I bought were bananas – they were averaging $15 per kilo at home, so I was extremely excited to be able to buy a whole bunch for £1.) That night we went to see Romeo & Juliet the ballet at The 02 arena (which is where these photos were taken). The arena is INSANE. A must-see if you’re in London. We were in the nosebleed section, but still had a pretty good view. These photos feature the light installation in the foyer area. I’m like a moth to a flame – anything shiny or bright and I’m transfixed. I didn’t take any photos of the actual performance because I think that’s just poor form (here’s looking at you, lady who took a photo using a flash during the second half). You can’t really see my outfit in the last photo, but that’s okay because it’s nothing exciting and it got rained out anyway. I learned quite quickly that it pays to have an umbrella handy at all times in London.

11 thoughts on “romeo & juliet @ o2 arena

  1. Those lights are gorgeous!!!
    Sounds like you had an exhausting, but FUN first day! If I was you I would have passed out for at last 24 hours haahahahahaaa

  2. It does INDEED. Lovely outfit regardless of how it got rained on (is that a pussy-bow I spy?). Glad you had a good time. 🙂 x

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