travel photos: iconic london

It’s fairly safe to say that I love London. Dreary weather and all. It had won me over within the first couple of hours I was there. These are a few photos taken during my first official sightseeing day. Armed with my new-found knowledge of the tube (which didn’t help much because my district line was down for the weekend), I headed to the city to check out the big London sights – Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, The London Eye, Westminster Abbey… the list goes on and on. The first stop was Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guards. Being a Sunday and during the summer holidays meant that there was a massive crowd for the event. The previous day I had attended the Royal Ascot Races, where I managed to see the Queen (I didn’t take any photos – whoops). Unfortunately she wasn’t at Buckingham Palace when I visited (you can tell by what flag they’re flying). Seeing as Ol’ Lizzie wasn’t home to invite me in for tea and scones, I wandered up to Piccadilly Circus and walked around and just took everything in. Wandering around aimlessly was one of my favourite things to do on this trip. I also checked out the National Portrait Gallery and the National Gallery. I am a bit of a museum/gallery nerd so London and Paris were like crack to me. I had to include the photo of the gates to Green Park (last photo). Talk about opulent. As a lover of all things shiny, the amount of gilt that adorned things made my inner magpie quite happy. I also ventured across to Southbank which was quite lively. Going from Brisbane to a massive city like London is crazy. There’s just so much to see and do. Which is probably why I fell head over heels for it.

29 thoughts on “travel photos: iconic london

  1. Ahhh amazingness! It makes me so happy you're doing all the touristy bits n pieces too. Glad you're having fun. I imagine London would win me over instantly as well.

  2. I can't wait till I (hopefully) move there! And do you know what? Looking at your pictures, I never realised that signs for the Underground say 'Public Subway on them, and I must have taken the underground hundreds of times!

  3. i can not wait to go to london one day.
    these are amazing pictures.
    looks like you had an amazing time.

  4. Ok so I need some advice. What do you think is the absolute minimum number of days I need in London given that a) I've done most of the touristy stuff before when I was there for 3 days when I was 13 and b) I'll be shooting at fashion week for three days at least? My budget means I can't stay forever but I do want to enjoy the place!

  5. If you're still in London, you should definitely visit the Victoria and Albert museum. Actually, get round as many museums and galleries as you can, most of them are free.

  6. Oh my god it looks so beautiful! I miss London. That last photo is so pretty ;___; tea and scones sounds so good too :') looks like an awesome time!

  7. I love seeing my city through the eyes of tourists ๐Ÿ™‚ lovely photos. I adore the National Portrait Gallery too. x

  8. @PinkBow: much like Versailles! So fancy.

    @Rachel: I don't know if they all do actually. I took a photo of that one specifically because it didn't have a station name. It's one of the ones in Piccadilly Circus.

    @Chanelle: Ahh tough question! I'd say give it a week at least. Or an absolute minimum of 5 days (3 for Fashion Week and 2 for leisure). Depending on what you're keen on doing. If you play your cards right you may be able to do all the major markets in a day. Hampstead Heath is also worthwhile checking out – especially on a fine day. Everything in the city is fairly close and within walking distance so you get a lot covered just by walking around the city in one day. You'll probably soak up a lot just by being at Fashion Week too!

  9. @SandyJoe: Yep, I went there too. Love me a bit of dinosaur action too haha

    @Mat: time-poor tourist style!

    @CaramelLatteKiss: unfortunately I'm already back home, but don't worry, I did get the chance to visit the V&A -twice!

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