us v them: the chartreuse dress

Meet my chartreuse dress. I picked it up at a Salvos store a while ago now. I first noticed it on the “Retro” rack that the store had put up (obviously getting savvy to the whole “vintage” thing). For some reason or another I never ended up buying it. Then I see this ‘Luxe Utility’ dress from Shakuhachi (it’s doesn’t seem to be available on their online store anymore). Cue the holy-crap-I-should-have-bought-that-dress-from-Salvos thoughts. Anyway, I went back a few weeks later hoping, praying that the dress would still be there. The Retro rack was gone. I was disheartened. Then as I was rifling through the racks I came across a sliver of chartreuse material. Behold! It was the dress. They had simply dismantled the Retro rack and placed everything back to normal. $18 thrifted dress vs. $200ish Shakuhachi dress… and the winner is?
Images: mine, shakuhachi

20 thoughts on “us v them: the chartreuse dress

  1. Omg I love this!!
    I was just about to ask in which part of Sydney do you go to thrift, but then I realised you live all the way in Brisbane 🙁

  2. that color truely is amazing! and only $12? why dont i find things like that in our local thriftshop.. the vintage clothing in my city are either pretty and overpriced or ugly and cheap haha 🙂

  3. pretty damn good. I'm visiting my local Salvos on Thursday for their monthly $5 fill a bag. Hope I find some treasures.

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