40 thoughts on “on wednesdays we wear pink

  1. Haha this is great. One time, for a talent show, this boy said "hi my name is Alex and my talent is jump roping while quoting mean girls." and then he did it! It was hysterical.

  2. I am loving anything with collars at the moment. Also it's perfect with the colder weather here to be buttoned up tight and snug šŸ™‚ x

  3. Mean girls is really funny. You just made my morning. And I love the pink collar poking out in that first picture. Nicely done.

  4. @Catherine: that is hands down the best thing ever. I think I've just found a new life goal.

    @Lauren: hahah we used to joke about it but never actually follow through.

    @herecomesthesun: exactly! keeping those necks toasty warm.

  5. i actually bought that colour lipstick yesterday! i am not even kidding. that's right, i bought LIPSTICK haha x

  6. This is so great ahah! I actually watched mean girls last night and i love this because of that and also that lush pink mac – its my favourite of my mac's!

  7. @BlithelyUnaware: pink nails are go!

    @tara: once again, great minds. It would look waaaay better on you than me. It's just a bit iffy for my skintone.

    @jamie-lee: what a coincidence!

    @Kallie: it's Mac 'Victorian'. I've tagged the photo but sometimes they don't come up properly.

    @RA: thanks

  8. love your top and jumper combo and mean girls is one of my all time faves. Might just have to wear pink next Wednesday me thinks xxx

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