wearing: anoraks in art galleries

So the lighting isn’t the best, and you can’t really see the details of my outfit, but who cares because there is a GIANT MULTICOLOURED HANGING SCULPTURE behind me. This is just a snippet from my day at the ‘21st Century: Art in the First Decade‘ exhibition at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. It was a fun way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon. Although I might make a note of coming back during school hours so I don’t have to fight with kids to do cool stuff like play in the room full of balloons (!!!) and ride down giant slides. Yes, a slippery slide in the middle of an art gallery. Who would’ve thought eh? More photos to come!

27 thoughts on “wearing: anoraks in art galleries

  1. Duuude that is actually so sick!!
    I would love to visit, but unfortunately a bit far away πŸ˜›
    Your outfit still looks lovely despite the dark lighting πŸ™‚

    x Stace

  2. @Stacee: thanks. I'll be posting a more photos from the exhibit over the next couple of days so stay tuned. It won't be exactly the same as being there but still…

    @Francesca: best of all is it's freeeeeeeeee!

  3. I cannot wait for my school holidays to start in a couple of weeks so I can get to this. It looks so interesting!


  4. This is why I love art ^^
    The colored plasticbags is super creativeeee

    I'm holding a giveaway, so if you are intrested:
    My giveaway: win a pair of nerdi glasses necklace click here!

  5. anoraks and art galleries just go. that multi-coloured contraption (dont really know what else to call it) is intense to look at. I can only imagine the hours…

  6. thanks soph, i am totally addicted to my local car boot sale
    you should definitely try to search some out πŸ™‚
    as per usual, great post!


  7. That's a really cool and smart outfit for an art gallery visit, and wow, the sculpture behind you is giganto! Wish I could see it live πŸ˜€


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