photos: frankie mag and hammocks

I woke up this morning with an annoying cold. I wish it was possible to stuff tissues up my nose and still be able to breathe (because breathing through your mouth is just gross). Of course, a dose of frankie will always make things better. And sweet tunes. Like the new Radiohead album. And hammocks. I swear Sunday afternoons are best spent in hammocks.

28 thoughts on “photos: frankie mag and hammocks

  1. Aww I hope you're feeling better soon! Love the new frankie, it looks really good, but I'm super poor 🙁 Maybe I should scrimp for it!

  2. @toni: thanks for the well wishes.

    @LisaGrace: thanks. I think it's just a one day-er, so nothing too drastic! Definitely think every household needs a hammock.

    @Francesca: ahhhh insects in my sleep = one of my biggest fears

    @Hannah: too right!

    @wikigirl: it's definitely well worth it!

  3. These photos are so pretty, gives me another reason why I wish I owned a hammock! And the new Radiohead album is superb 🙂 Codex and Little by Little are my favorites.

  4. Awww bub I hope you're starting to feel a little better. Frankie will definitely help you get there. I just bought what I thought was the latest issue only to discover the pull out calendar was for Jan/Feb (my favourite part plus the product reviews) – SAD. Luckily Mum and Dad are here this week so I've asked them to bring a copy of the latest issue with them. Phew! Sending you love xo

  5. I need to get my hands on this issue! I'm in love with the styling… too bad I always war with my heart over which to buy – Frankie or Nylon? – because I don't give myself a very big budget for magazines.

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