mystery jets @ the hifi, brisbane

Mystery Jets @ HiFi, BrisbaneMystery Jets @ HiFi, Brisbane
Last night I saw Mystery Jets at The Hi-Fi in Brisbane. I’d been looking forward to this gig for a long time and it’s safe to say that the boys from Eel Pie Island met (and exceeded) my every expectation. The only thing I found disappointing was the lack of a crowd. The Hi-Fi was half full at best and, in my opinion, these boys deserved a much bigger audience. The smaller audience did have its upsides though – unobstructed views and plenty of dancing room! I’m quite horrible at giving ‘reviews’ because most times I just like something or I don’t, and can’t be bothered explaining why. If I were to try and choose highlights for the night, off the top of my head, I’d say that they would include Two Doors Down, After Dark and Behind The Bunhouse. Although, as more songs come to mind, this list would most certainly grow until it featured every song on the setlist. I took my Canon Sureshot along for the ride and had my fingers crossed that it would take some decent photos in such low light settings. I think it did the job quite well, considering. You can see more photos from the night on my flickr.
Mystery Jets @ HiFi, Brisbane
Mystery Jets @ HiFi, BrisbaneMystery Jets @ HiFi, Brisbane

41 thoughts on “mystery jets @ the hifi, brisbane

  1. I've seen The Mystery Jets three times I think, and each time they were just as good as the last. I really good band to see like I think x

  2. you are such a lucky girl for sure! I have craving to see them live for ages – they were here in noeway for a gig, but it was 18 agelimit 🙁

  3. @Vicky: They sound amazing live! I'd definitely see them again. And again and again and again! haha

    @LuuH: ohhhh that must've been a pain. Hopefully when you turn 18 you can see them as many times as you want!

  4. Great photos you have there! I love the Mystery Jets and have seen them a few times too in small settings. Glad they have a following in Australia 🙂 xx

  5. Aw we didnt get them here in Perth I don't think – at least no side show! It's times like these I wish I was still living in Brissy xxx

  6. lucky girl! i'm sure it was fun despite the lack of crowd! like you said you probaly danced your night away.

  7. love these photos. have never heard of these guys before but i will deffs be checking it out 🙂

  8. Nice pictures and ooh I'd LOVE to visit Brisbane some day! We're already off to Italy and Mexico for weddings so the travel is tight next year but hopefully we can still get to Australia!

  9. Love your blog!! I will come back for sure!!

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  10. Fab photos! Ahh Mystery jets…looks like a great gig (im jealous!). I'm planning on seeing Gypsy and the Cat this wednesday!! Should be fun.
    Hannah x

  11. i love gig photos…its something i've always wanted to do! i'm not a huge festival/concert person, i only go to ones i absolutely adore, but i've made it my mission to go to more this year…


  12. Oh man, I really love some of their stuff. Looks like a great gig.

    Haven't been to a gig in ages… really been feeling the urge for one recently, and now even more so! x

  13. This was always the same for concerts when I lived in Tassie- less people, but meant it was so much better! Hahaha I hate reviewing things too for the same reason, you did well though 🙂

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