big day out 2011

Main stages
Orange stage
Blue stageLupe Fiasco
Classic KarlFisheye!
BDO houseMatt and Kim @ Lilyworld
Pre - LCD SoundsystemOld mate
Happy Australia Day! I thought I’d celebrate with a post on one of the most Aussie rites of passage out there – Big Day Out! These are from my Gold Coast Big Day Out adventures over the weekend. Until recently, I thought I had grown out of this festival. Not so. It was possibly one of the funnest Big Day Outs I’ve been too. It may have had something to do with the fact that I had more time to explore and chill out, rather than the usual scenario of rushing desperately between stages. Highlights of the day included Crystal Castles (Alice Glass performed with a broken ankle – what a champion!), Matt and Kim (they were so awesome that a whole post will be dedicated to their set soon), Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros (only caught the end of the set but I loved my life dancing around like a maniac to Home), and LCD Soundsystem. Notable mentions also go to Lupe Fiasco, Deftones, Iggy and The Stooges (Iggy, you are one crazy mofo), and M.I.A. If you’re in Sydney and going to Big Day Out today, have fun! I wish I was going again!

18 thoughts on “big day out 2011

  1. Slightly jealous that you have found someone to develop your diana film where the slides ave overlapped. The lab point blank refused to do mine where the slides where overlapped.

  2. @Rachel: Yep!

    @gee: Matt and Kim blew me away. They are just so cheery. New band crush for sure!

    @Rachel: I haven't had the overlapping slides printed out yet – I've scanned these in straight from the negatives. Although I think I'm enough of a regular that I could get them to pull some strings if I asked nicely haha

    @hollypop: have fun!

  3. Love your blog am following! I love festivals, and happy australian day! It looks really good, i love crystal castles but havent heard of the other ones. I think crystal castles are the kinda music i make and write on guitar..
    Check out my blog?
    Flossie xx

  4. This looks so cool! Man i wish England had 'Happy English Day' though i doubt it would be as fun as aussi day anyhow! Most english people are just too awkward and boring!

    Aww I'm so jealous you got to see Edward Sharpe! They're awesome! Glad you had fun, you looked gorgeous too by the way 🙂 x

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