sunlight + the gentlewoman

New favourite colour combination + new favourite read.

These were taken earlier in the week, while I was savouring the short lived burst of sunshine and soaking up the early morning light (it’s now back to the torrential rain that seems to have set in for the summer). I came across the latest issue of The Gentlewoman while browsing the racks at Borders on the weekend. Even though this issue first went into circulation in September, it seems to take about three months for it to reach Australian shores. I’m still kicking myself for not picking up the first issue when I had the chance (I flicked through it, put it down, thought “I’ll come back for it later”, only to come back and find it sold out. I’ve subsequently been stalking Borders ever since so as not to repeat this mistake). As an extra bonus, it retails for a reasonable $10.95, as opposed to online sites which are charging at least $35. I’m only halfway through the magazine, but so far am finding it an intelligent and refreshing read. If you get the chance, I’d say it’s one magazine definitely worth picking up.

26 thoughts on “sunlight + the gentlewoman

  1. It is really cool you are still having sunshine! Here all I can see is snow. And the cover of that magazine is just genius!

    xoxo Sootjeelina <3

  2. Love those colours together 🙂 Really must get myself a copy of gentlewoman, $11 is pretty good too, I remember seeing at for a lot more. Merry Christmas lovely 🙂

  3. i did exactly the same thing with the gentlewoman, i've got the second edition but missed out on the first, i am kicking myself! love the peachy vibes going on in your outfit too xx

  4. i just found your blog, it's fantastic! the gentlewoman looks quite interesting, i'll keep an eye out for that next time i'm in borders.
    i love your outfit too!
    x lovess taylah

  5. @Megan: fingers crossed!

    @B.PObscura: yes, yes, am a fan of Lula, even though I've never held a physical copy in my hands (thank goodness for the fashion spot forums! haha)

    @Agoratôpronta: thanks for following.

    @Twobreadsplease: I think it must be a rookie mistake! haha

    @taylah: thank you 🙂

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