26 thoughts on “peek

  1. oh, the colours are beautiful, and the cameo is so pretty. i'm very intrigued to know what each piece of clothing actually looks like!

    love, jazzabelle x

  2. Oh, can't wait to see them in full! Loving what I think is a blazer, and the not-so-polka-dot dress?

    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. i swear i have an identical version of that navy dress with the white rectangles on it that my boyfriend's mum passed on to me. must have been all the rage in aus, circa 1983!

    as usual, am crazy jealous of all your finds x

  4. Looks great,is it a new dress and coat? haha,kinda geussing here.But i love the colours and the patterns on your new garments 😀

    By the way,im loving your blog,definately gonna give it a follow 😀 and it would be super awesome if you could come over and check out my blog & follow it too,as i love getting new readers and followers all the time 😀 it would be much appreciated 😀

    StopAndStareStyle = my super-duper fashion & style blog 😀 COMMENT,FOLLOW,READ & ENJOY! 😀

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