paco park

Australians are notorious for ‘tall poppy syndrome’, but we also enjoy barracking for the underdog. You know, those people pulling the hard yards, but not quite getting the recognition they deserve. So let me introduce you to Paco Park. Marianne and Carmela Diaz are the two Paris-based, Australian designers behind the label. When Marianne told me about their latest Autumn/Winter collection, I just had to share! What really caught my attention (other than their “Cherry Blossom X” blazer) was the quirky way in which they were promoting their wares. Who better to showcase their collection than the infamously cool kids of Paris, right? So that’s what they did. For the months of July and August, they took to the streets and asked the locals to model their wares. It’s part lookbook, part facehunter, and a whole lot of stylish.
See more looks after the jump and, if you want to do some more people stalking, be sure to check out their website and facebook.

Images courtesy of:

20 thoughts on “paco park

  1. wow this is like my dream goal, to be an aussie fashion designer in paris! or new york.. i wish i was them! πŸ˜›
    thanks for sharing, i'd never heard of paco park before

    x amie

  2. Beautiful girls and their lovely jacket!
    Wants to be in Australia,
    hope. when I'm in charge this interesting wardrobe,
    it'll go there without fail,
    to see the Australian style of reality.

    with love,

  3. Wow! I do like your post!!
    I love blazers tooo much! My last 2 posts are about blazers I have. I love them. The pink and the green one are gorgeous!!


    ps: hope to see u in my blog!

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