33 thoughts on “wake up, it’s a beautiful morning

  1. Love the shot! Gorgeous gorgeous blue sky. I love how your old rolls of film turn out better than what I can take with an slr 🙁 so jealous of your great photography skills!

  2. Amazing 🙂 Where do you get your film from?
    + sorry for the very long wait 🙁 Thanks for your lovely comment!
    panda xx

  3. This picture is sop pretty. Love the song in the background. It's by the drums right? I saw them live a few months ago they were THE best.

  4. @Ella: yep, it's The Drums.

    @Aney: most times I thinks it's just luck 🙂

    @evieapples: I'm counting down the days! Can wait to dance around to this live. Although I think they clash with someone else I want to see *worries*

    @avalonne: do it! It's quite addictive. Once you start you can't seem to stop. Well, that's my experience anyway haha

    @Panda: this was just normal 35mm Fuji film. 400 ISO. ASA. Whatever it's called.

    @JanelleBurger: It's not Q Laz, it's by The Drums.

    @lavelle: I'll put a few more up eventually, but most of the film was a bit of a let down 🙁

    @D&D: haha, thanks.

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